The Daiei Kankyo Group



When was Daiei Kankyo established?
October 17, 1979
When were shares of Daiei Kankyo listed?
December 14, 2022
On what market are the shares listed?
Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
What is the securities code for Daiei Kankyo?
The securities code is 9336. The industrial classification is “Services."
How many shares constitute one stock trading unit?
What is the fiscal year-end date?
March 31 of each year
When are the financial results released?
Please refer to the IR Calendar page.
Does Daiei Kankyo hold financial results briefings?
Financial results briefings will be held quarterly in Japanese.
Please refer to the IR calendar page.
When is the ordinary general meeting of shareholders held?
The ordinary general meeting of shareholders is held within three months after the end of each fiscal year.
Please tell me about Daiei Kankyo's business.
We engage in a wide range of businesses related to the environment, focusing mainly on waste management and recycling business.
Please refer to Our Business page for further information.
Does Daiei Kankyo offer shareholder benefits?
Please tell me about your recent financial results.
Please refer to the Financial Highlights page.
Please tell me about your financial results outlook.
Please refer to the earnings reports in the IR Library page.